Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day21 Chapter 21 (John)

I did it.... A chapter a day...I enjoyed it... its been fun... And I think I will continue.
John 21 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible, and its not just because its a fishing story. But I like to imagine the scene ... Jesus is cooking a breakfast of fish over a campfire. I would imagine that some of the guys are busy dealing with the huge catch of fish. And some are attracted to the heat of the fire, and the aroma of fresh cooking fish. But soon all are milling around and eating. When they are done eating, Jesus nonchalantly asks Peter "do you love me more than these?". Jesus motions towards the fish as He asks the question.

Peter likely laughed as he answered, "You know that I love you". I think he laughed because it doesn't seem a serious question. Of course He loved Jesus more than the fish.

Perhaps other conversations are taking place. I think Jesus waited a few minutes. Then... almost as if He hadn't asked, Jesus asked Peter the same question again. And Peters response is identical... but his tone is different. His reply to Jesus is said sincerly this time. There was no laughter as he replied. Peter likely looks at Jesus trying to guage a reaction. But Jesus, wasn't looking at Peter... He was just staring into the dying embers of the fire.

A few minutes later..... Jesus asks the question a 3rd time. Suddenly, Peter remembers that he denied knowing Jesus 3 times. He is hurt thinking that Jesus doesnt believe him. He has already told Jesus twice that he loves Him. Tears start to well up in Peter's eyes. His voice is full of emotion as he replies "Lord, you know all things, you know that I love you."

This was the confession of faith and love that Jesus wanted to hear from Peter. It was said thoughtfully and with commitment. And that is also what Jesus wants to hear from us. Can we say honestly "Lord, you know all things, you KNOW that I love you!"

The following verses contain more of that fascinating conversation Jesus and Peter. There is more to this great story... But I will end it now with that question from Jesus "..(your name), do you love me?"

Day 20 Chapter 20 (John)

v15 Jesus appears to Mary but she does not recognize Him.
v16 Jesus just says her name..."Mary"...And Mary knows it is Jesus.
Is it possible that Jesus has called your name, and you didn't recognize Him? It is not too late to answer Him. Jesus was crucified and paid the price for our sins. And now He has rose from the grave, and is calling your name. Jesus does know your name... And He wants to add your name to the Book of Life.
Perhaps you can consider what Jesus did for you... And consider that now He is calling your name...and respond to Him like Thomas did...
v28 "My Lord and My God"

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Chapter 19 Day 19

Isn't it almost humorous that Pilate said to Jesus, "Don't you realise I have power...?" If Only Pilate knew, he would have fallen on his knees in worship to the King of Kings. But instead Jesus stood there knowing the horror he would endure. He was beaten with a whip. He was punched, slapped and mocked. He had thorns rammed into his head. He had nails driven through his hands and feet. He was spat on. He was stripped in front of friends and his mom. It wasn't Pilate who had the power... and it wasn't the phariseee's or the mob. The one who had the real power was Jesus, but he chose to endure every blow... every wound... every insult for me. He did it for me!!
"IT IS FINISHED"... And he lowered His head and died. What was finished? Jesus had completed the work He had come to earth for. His purpose was to die in my place.
But the story isn't over... This had all happened on Friday... But Sunday was coming

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 18 Chapter 18

Judas leads a "detachment of soldiers, and some officials... and the pharisees". They come to arrest "Jesus of Nazareth". I think they said "of Nazareth" to identify the correct person, but I wonder if it wasn't also a put down. It seems that Nazareth was held with contempt. In John 1, Nathaniel says scornfully "Nazareth, can anything good come from there?". The soldiers came to arrest a peasant from the small and insignificant town of Nazareth. But instead, they were met by Majesty. When Jesus said, "I am He", they drew back and fell to the ground!!!!!
With Christ in us, we have His power available to us. We never should be weak and cowardly.
And... how about that soldier by the name of Malchus. Can you imagine the stories he told his grandkids? (Lets hope that Malchus did accept Christ as his Saviour). Malchus would tell how Jesus spoke and the whole detachment of soldiers fell to the ground. He would tell how one of Jesus's men chopped his ear off, and Jesus tenderly restored it (see book of Luke). I wonder if he had a scar to show his kids and grandkids.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 17 CHAPTER 17

This whole chapter is Jesus praying,,,V.20 - 26, Jesus is praying for people that are believers. There are many themes carried over from one chapter to the next, but it strikes me that now Jesus is praying for oneness, for unity, of believers. Again a very similar verse to the previous chapter when Jesus prays for "complete unity...then the world may know that you sent me"
I'm sure there is a much deeper need / importance of this unity between believers than what exists today. But... what and how??
v.24 " Father, I want those you have given me, to be with me where I am"..... Isn't that the words of a dad praying for his kids? And aren't those the words we pray for our best friends?
(I'm brain dead tonite... can't complete any thoughts)
Hey... 17 days in a row... This could be habit forming!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 16 Chapter 16 (John)

Do you think the disciples had the slightest clue that Jesus was serious when he said in v.2 "The hour is coming when those who kill you...". At this point, I don't think the disciples were prepared to die for Jesus... but that was all about to change. The disciples were about to be so radically transfomed by their belief in Christ that they would change the world... and in the process they really woulod be killed. Here is what happened:
Andrew Was hung on a cross spread eagled.
James (brother of John)was beheaded
James (brother of Jesus)Thrown from a pinnacle of the temple then beaten to death with a club
Thaddeus also called Jude, was shot to death with arrows.
Matthew was crucified.
Nathaniel also called Bartholomew, was skinned alive, then beheaded.
Peter was hung upside down on a cross.
Philip hung upside down on a piller.
Thomas had a lance rammed through his body
John the Baptist (not a disciple) was beheaded by herod
Paul beheaded
Jesus... you are the resurrection, and the life. Let me not be afraid of words of men, knowing that the disciples proclaimed you even to their death.

Day 15 Chapter 15 John

In this chapter, once again we have Jesus talking about love. v.13 "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. 14. You are my friends if you do what I command you."
The greatest expression of love anyone can make, is that they give their own life willingly, so that someone else may live. Jesus knew that He was about to do that. Perhaps we can imagine it like this..... We are standing in a court room. Not just any court... This is the courtroom of the final judgement. God is now our judge. We have committed sins and rebelled against God at different times during our life. The penalty is death. Our own righteousness before a Holy God is as filthy rags. We will be setenced to an eternity of weeping and knashing of teeth. But then... Jesus steps in. He is our advocate. Jesus says "This person is a friend. I layed down my life and I paid the penalty of death". And now... because of what Jesus did, we stand before the judge blameless....And, we hear the words, 'Enter into the kingdom"
But notice... in v.14 and elsewhere in this chapter, that even though Jesus paid the price, we still have a responsibility. We do have a responsibility to follow Jesus's commands. And in v5 we are to be attached to Jesus just as a branch is to the main vine. And we are to be a fruitful branch.
Lord Jesus... I want to be a fruitful branch. I don't want to be a dead branch that is pruned and thrown into the fire. Help me to honor you today .... and to be fruitful.